ACCA4025 Learning in the Digital Era Assessment 1 - FEB 2024 - Term 1

Task 1A

Time Management

Successful time management is essential for achieving personal and professional goals. Effective time management includes techniques like using alerts, prioritising work, organising calendars, maximising productivity, and scheduling reminders. Competent people achieve more in less time, which lowers stress and boosts output.

Effective time management relies on a structured strategy, utilizing alerts and prioritization to enhance focus and ensure timely task completion. Clear goals and plans minimize distractions, crucial for achieving personal and professional objectives. [1]

Mastering time management involves organizing and planning time allocation for activities, leading to smarter work and increased productivity, even under pressure. Benefits include greater efficiency, reduced stress, enhanced professional reputation, career advancement opportunities, and achievement of life and career goals. [2]


Proficiency in research methodology is essential for producing accurate data and making well-informed decisions. Its advantages cut across professional and academic spheres, allowing:

Research methods vary but share the common goal of validating or refuting a thesis, answering questions, or broadening understanding. This paper will briefly discuss three major types of research methods—quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods—and advocate for their integration to effectively design and plan research for desired outcomes. [4]

Task 1B

How to improve the similarity

In order to increase my similarity, I must spend some time learning about the domain-specific characteristics that mostly influence similarity. Iteratively improve feature selection by considering domain and performance.

However, in this document there was only 4% similarity and the other 22% were about references.

Taking the situation into account while calculating similarity, words or phrases should be considered in their surrounding context to capture complex relationships and meanings.

The next time, try other approaches, pre-trained models, and fineHor-tuning strategies to maximise performance. To adapt models to specific tasks, incorporate domain-specific knowledge.
